Totally useless baby gear (according to moms!) San Antonio Newborn Photography

This list has been a long time in the works!  If you’re a new parent, or have even recently visited the baby aisle and Target and are wondering if ANY of the new baby gear or gadgets are worth buying, look no further. I recently asked parents on our Facebook page to share their ideas of the “most useless baby gear/baby gadgets ever.” And did we hear a LOT of them.  
So, here is the definitive, scientifically gathered list* of useless baby gear you really don’t need:
*(It’s totally not. I’m only kidding.)
1.  Diaper Genie
Oh boy what a controversy this thing is!  I myself had a diaper genie, used it, and loved it.  (As much as one can love a vessel for holding poopy diapers.)  However, the reason I liked it was because it allowed me to dispose of dirty diapers right next to our changing table (which yes, we actually used!) instead of putting them in the bathroom or kitchen trash. (To me, the smell of dirty diapers and banana peels is the stuff of nightmares.)  
However, if you are one who would prefer to change diapers on the floor or couch (and there are a lot of you out there!) it is likely just as easy to toss the nappies into whatever trash can is nearby.  Just make sure your dogs can’t reach it. 🤢

2.  Bottle Warmers

Although bottle warmers are a relatively safe way to warm a bottle without overheating, creating potentially dangerous hot spots, or destroying  critical proteins in breastmilk, one can safely do the same without any fancy gadget. For us, we heated water in a pyrex measuring cup (as hot as water for tea) and dropped in the bottle. 
Futhermore, bottle warmers aren’t really necessary after the first couple of months. Newborns need warm fluids, but many older babies are perfectly content to drink tepid or even refrigerated breastmilk or formula. (I know this because we had to supplement formula with both of our kids and they didn’t bat an eye at drinking it at room temperature, and didn’t even care when they had breastmilk straight from the refrigerator! One point for tired parents! 
3.  Wipes warmers
I haven’t met a parent yet that says this gadget is actually necessary.  Perhaps nice for a couple of weeks… but beyond that they seem completely pointless.  Not to mention that the heat quickly dries out the wipes.  
Also, when babies are a few weeks old, most of them start to love diaper changes… mostly because they love looking up at mom and dad’s face while they talk to them! Trust us, at that point, they won’t care what the temperature of the wipes are. 
4.  Baby Food Makers
Seriously, don’t bother with these super expensive appliances!  I may be voicing only my own opinion here, but I now consider myself the expert. 😉 With both of our kids, I made all of their baby food. And it’s NOT hard. At all.
Here’s the way I did it:  
  1. Microwave/steam some veggies.
  2. Use a “stick blender” (aka an immersion blender) to puree them. You can move the stick blender around until everything is smooth- even easier to use and clean than a food processor or blender!
  3. Proudly present the healthful fare to your little one so they can dump it on the floor. 
5.   Pajamas with snaps
This suggestion is from my oldest childhood friend.  She has a seething disdain for pajamas with buttons or snaps. 😆  And I know why.  
When you’re deliriously tired, changing a newborn at 3:00 AM, this maddening test of manual dexterity is just NOT welcome.  
New parents: Avoid the snaps.  Go with zippers.  You’re welcome.

If you’re curious about baby gear that parents actually find useful, check out this blog post!

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